Wonder Nation

...affection for humanity and love of weirdity...

Saturday, December 22, 2018



The greatest of all major sins is Shirk,  and it is of two types;
The first is to believe Allah has an equal, to worship something or someone other than Him,  such as a stone,  tree, star, sun, moon, a prophet, a saint, or an angel. This is the greatest Shirk, which Allah said;

"Indeed Allah does not forgive associating anything with him, and He forgives whatever is other than that to whomever he wills. (Al-Nisa'i 4:48 and 116).
"Indeed, associating anything with Allah is a great Injustice" (Luqman 31:13)
"Verily who ever associates anything with Allah, He has forbidden for him Jannah, and his final abode is hell" (Al-Ma'idah).

And verses regarding this issue are many.

Whomever associates anything with Allah, and dies a polytheist, is definitely an inhabitant of hell, just like whoever believes in the oness of Allah and dies as a true believer in that oness is definitely an inhabitant of Jannah even if he is punished with fire prior (for some of his sins).
 It is recorded in Sahihul Bukhari; that the Prophet said to his companions: "should I not inform you of the greatest sins", three times they the companions said "yes oh prophet of Allah", he said  "Associating anything with Allah, disobedience to one's parents", thereupon he sat up from the reclining position and then continued "Verily, telling lies, and perjury". The Prophet continued mentioning the above two statements until the companions wished he would stop.
The Prophet also said in another hadith; "Abstain from the seven deadly sins" among which he mentioned  ASSOCIATING ANYTHING WITH ALLAH''
The second type of shirk is showing off, regarding which Allah says
"So whoever hopes for the meeting with his Lord, let him work righteousness and associate none as a partner in the worship of his Lord.'' (Al-Kahf 18:110)
Meaning one must not perform deed for the purpose of show off.
The Prophet said: "I warn you against minor shirk" the companions asked "what is minor shirk oh messenger of Allah", He replied "show off" Allah would say on the day He rewards His servants for their deeds, "go to those whom you used to show off your deeds to so that they would reward you for those deeds"
The Prophet said: Allah the Most High Said: "whoever performs any deed intending with it My reward and someone else's recognition, that deed is for that whose recognition is sought and I am clear of the deed." (Muslim and Ahmad)
Abu Huraira reported that the Prophet said: "many a times, a fasting person would derive nothing from his fast except for Hunger and thirst, and many a times, one who prays during the night derives nothing from it except wakefulness," meaning his prayer and fasting were not performed for the sake of Allah, as such no reward is given for them.
It is reported that the Prophet said: "the similitude of one who does something for show off is a person who fills his purse with pebbles and then goes to the market to buy something. When he offers them to the seller, the seller throws them at his face. Thus there is no benefit for him from his purse except for people saying that his purse is full, but he can not buy anything. Similarly, a person who does something for showing off and reputation gets nothing but praise from the people but no reward in the next." (Ibn Jafar says in Al-Zawajir that this is not a tradition of the Prophet but a saying of some scholars)
Allah says: "And We shall turn to whatever deeds they did, and We shall make such deeds as scattered floating particles of dust. (Al-Furqan 25:23)
This means that the work which they did for the pleasure of anyone other than Allah will receive no reward and will become like the scattered particle which are seen floating insun rays.
Adi bn Hatim reported the Prophet saying "on the day day of resurrection, groups and people will be led toward the Garden untill hear it's huming, smell its fragrance, see its places and whatever Allah has prepared for it's inhabitants, the they will turn them away from it since they have no portion in it. Then they will turn away in regret and longing for it like other groups of people before and after them. They will say, "Our Lord if you had admitted us to fire before showing us what we have seen of the reward you have prepared for your friends, it would have been easier for us." Then Allah would say, "This is what I intended or you. In privacy you were arrogant toward Me, but when you were among people you were humble towards them, showing them your good deeds, the opposite of what you gave Me in your hearts. You gave to people and not to Me, you showed veneration toward people but not toward Me, your renunciation was for people but not for Me. Therefore, today I am asking you to taste My grievous punishment and withholding from you My abundant reward" (Tabarani, Abu Na'im, Baihaqi)

A person asked the Prophet about salvation,  He replied: "Do not deceive Allah" the person asked how can one deceive Allah,  the Prophet replied "you do a deed ordered by Allah and His Messenger, but intend to obtain the pleasure of someone other than Allah. Guard yourself against showing off, because that is a form of minor shirk. On the day of resurrection, the show off will be called with four names: "Show-off! Deceitful one! Godless one! Loser! Your deeds are wasted and your reward is cancelled. We have no reward for you, go to the one for whose sake you did these deeds for your reward, Pretender! (Ibn Abu Duniya)

A scholar was asked: "who is sincere (toward Allah)" and he replied: "That person is sincere who conceals his good deeds in the same way as he conceals his bad deeds." Another scholar explained that sincerity toward Allah is that a person should not like praise from people.
Fudail bn Iyyad said "to not do an act because of people is Riya, to do something for the sake of people's recognition is Shirk, while sincerity is to ask protection against both from Allah. O Allah protect us from these two and forgive us.

To be continued  In Sha Allah
Source - Al - Kaba'ir (The Major Sins)
By Muhammad bin Uthman Adh-Dhahabi
Relayed by ABUBAKAR Sadiq Yusuf, 600L, FVM, UDUS. 

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