Wonder Nation

...affection for humanity and love of weirdity...

Friday, March 31, 2017


The home of irony
with blissful occupants in agony.
Every spot with different melody,
here, dancing is a compulsory affair
and thou shalt not live in fear.
Whether or not the supreme judge is fair
thou cannot declare because his judgement
just like that of a common judge
is in favor of some and hostile to some.

Confusion is the theme of the day
as there are different tunes from every corner.
Which to dance to?
This remains the question on board.

The world is life, life is a mystery
and it doesn't belong to anybody
but there is an exception,
a case in which the assortment
of tunes forms a beat
and a fellow dances right,
the fellow in question
fall into a famous and/or wealthy contention
though it doesn't last till the end
of the celebration.

We are all here,
 except the one in charge,
he chose to stay afar
and watch the party
in the roofless hall of mystery.


Thursday, March 23, 2017


There is ability in disability,
great upset in naturality,
a light that even the blind could se,
a sound that even the deaf could hear,
these are situation-depenedent phenomena.

Now, watch it well, on the average
if hearing isn't lost, the blind hears better;
if eyes retain activity, the deaf sees better;
with working forelimbs, the legless does all things with hands
and I watched one handless man cook a meal with the hindlimbs.

There is ability in disabilities that are real,
bizarre realities depending on what have we,
induced hyper-functionality this is,
in some cases of the reality.
The ambiguity of the man entity
is inexhaustible so to reveal,
the limits of humanity really seem
to have no seal,
the more it is pushed,
more is unconcealed.
If one can't do this, he may do that better.
A better world for all is all that matters.
(C) Dauda Onawola
IG d.phinix


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